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Created in 2015, ORGANIC ONLY is a Certified Organic Farm located in Cawston BC, in the Similkameen Valley.
Because we believe in food sustainability and self-sufficiency, we grow a large variety of high quality fruit, vegetables and herbs. We are a Small Scale Farm: the land dedicated to the food production has always stayed under one acre. We sell all of our production locally through the Farmer's Market, our CSA Box Program, our Online Store and directly at the Farm. Every year we make steps toward a cleaner world: since 2020, the Farm is partly powered by our solar array and we have a Zero Waste program for our customers interested in working with us to limit waste.
This year, the farm is celebrating its 10 years anniversary!

Where to Find Us
Penticton Farmer's Market
Every Saturday Morning, from April to October
from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm
100 block Main Street
Self served kiosk at the Farm
Monday to Friday, from May to October
from 8 am to 7 pm
137 Beecroft river road, Cawston BC
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